story by Francis Kioko
In a heartfelt Mother’s Day celebration, the Vincent Munyoki Foundation, under the leadership of Dr. Vincent Munyoki, empowered women of Kabati Parish by distributing over 500 chicks. This initiative, aimed at boosting the recipients’ income, marked a significant gesture of appreciation and support for the hardworking mothers of the community.
During a church event at Kabati Parish, Dr. Munyoki emphasized the vital role mothers play in nurturing and shaping the future of their children. He highlighted that mothers are the source of all good things and deserve to be celebrated and empowered daily as a token of gratitude for their sacrifices.
“Empowering mothers is crucial as they are the backbone of our society,” Dr. Munyoki stated. “Their relentless efforts in raising and educating their children are invaluable, and initiatives like this are our way of showing appreciation and support.”
Dr. Vincent Munyoki further pledged to extend his support to more women in Kitui West, reiterating the foundation’s commitment to empowering the community and aiding the less privileged. The Vincent Munyoki Foundation has a long-standing tradition of supporting society through various means, including financial aid, food, clothing, education, and more.
The beneficiaries of the project expressed their joy and gratitude, noting that the chicks would provide a sustainable source of income. “We are thrilled to be celebrated in such a meaningful way,” one of the recipients shared. “These chicks will help us generate a steady income to support our families.”
The Vincent Munyoki Foundation’s Mother’s Day initiative not only celebrated the mothers of Kabati Parish but also provided them with practical tools to enhance their livelihoods, reflecting the foundation’s ongoing dedication to societal empowerment and support.
Excellent coverage on a current subject. I’d be curious to know more about
the historical context leading up to this occurrence. Perhaps a subsequent
article could explore that?